Princeton University

April 25-27, 2025

Registration is now open for the 2025 AATI Conference at Princeton University.

Please make sure you are logged into your AATI account and your registration is good through the duration of the conference, BEFORE you register.

Click here to register!

Getting to Princeton:

If you are arriving by train, please review the detailed instructions here.

If you are arriving by car, please park in Stadium Drive Garage, and prior to your arrival register your vehicle here.

There is also a public pay lot on Spring st close to campus and metered parking on Nassau St.


Once Arriving at Princeton, please follow the below walking instructions or transit instructions to get around campus.

If you are arriving by Train, please follow the walking instructions here to get from the Princeton Train Station to East Pyne.

If you are arriving by Car, please get the on TigerTransit Shuttle labeled “Route 1 or Route 4” from Stadium Drive Garage and exit on McCosh Walk on Washington Rd. You will then follow these walking instructions to East Pyne. 

  • To return to Stadium Drive Garage at the end of the day, you will return to the bus stop on the South Bound (side of the street that East Pyne is on) and take the TigerTransit Shuttle labeled Route 1 or Route 4.

The annual conference of the American Association of Teachers of Italian (AATI) will take place from April 25-27, 2025, at Princeton University.

The conference seeks to align itself with the mission of AATI by strengthening its focus on the teaching and learning of Italian language, literature, and cultures. Thus, in keeping with the mission of the AATI, we encourage interdisciplinary approaches that are relevant and applicable to the teaching of Italian at the K-12 and college level, as well as the promotion of research within the realm of Italian Studies. We invite interested presenters to submit proposals for complete sessions, roundtables, or individual presentations; we encourage proposals directly related to the teaching and learning of culture, language, and literary works, as well as scholarly analysis. We also encourage papers focusing on aspects of diversity, equity, inclusion, belonging in language pedagogy and/or Italian Studies.

Some possible areas of interest include: 

  • The teaching, learning and integration of language, culture, intercultural competence, linguistics, literature, cinema and media studies, diversity, social justice, other disciplines such as sciences and art.
  • FLES, content-based FLES, and FLEX
  • High School curriculum
  • Advocacy and program growth
  • Analysis of literature, culture, cinema, art, music, popular culture, etc...

Session types:

  • Panel: 3-4 participants with 15-20 minute presentations as established by the chair, followed by Q&A
  • Roundtable: 5 or more participants with informal 5-10 minute presentations. Sessions are open to conversation and debate.
  • Poster session: minimum of 4 participants, each with a 3’x4’ poster in landscape format. Posters must be legible.

Timeline for Proposals:

  • September 30th, 2024: Deadline to submit open session proposals to the conference committee. Please send open session proposals to aaticonferencecommittee@gmail.com
  • October 2nd, 2024: A complete list of open sessions will be disseminated to the AATI listserv and posted on the website. Abstracts will be sent directly to the session chair(s), who will select abstracts for the completed session proposal.
  • November 8th, 2024: Deadline for chairs to submit completed sessions (panel, roundtable, or poster session). Deadline for individual proposal submission. Proposals should only be submitted individually if they are not able to be accepted as part of a completed session. Individual presentations will be grouped or inserted into sessions at the discretion of the committee. NOTE: organizers of open sessions will also need to (re)submit their now completed session in this round with all the necessary presenter details. Please be advised that no accommodations can be made for date requests. Please also note that all presenters must be current on their AATI membership in order for their proposals to be accepted for the conference.
  • December 8th, 2024: All notifications of acceptance will be sent to the proposer (chair or individual). For completed sessions, the session chair will communicate details to individual presenters in their session.
Open sessions submissions should include:
  • Session type (panel, roundtable, workshop, poster session)
  • Title of session
  • 200-300 word abstract

See the Call for Proposals below for more information.


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