Membership in AATI connects you with every aspect of the profession, from the teaching of Italian language and culture, K-16, to cutting-edge research on all topics related to transnational and transhistorical Italy through its top-ranked journal Italica.
Professor of French and Italian
Director, The Clorinda Donato Center for
Global Romance Languages and Translation Studies
AATI offers K-12 teachers the opportunity to attend and collaborate at numerous live and streamed conferences on a variety of interesting topics. Their workshops provide teachers with material that they can then differentiate for their different learning communities.
Lead Italian Teacher Millburn High School
Advisor of the Italian Club and La Parola Italian Literary Magazine
The AATI consistently supports graduate students teachers and scholars through travel grants and mentorship programs. Each conference offers opportunities to receive focused feedback on their dissertations in progress and to integrate with experienced teachers and scholars in a variety of pedagogical and subject matter sessions. The organization recognizes and celebrates the fact that graduate students are the future of our professions!
Being an AATI member has given me the opportunity to collaborate with dedicated Italian teachers of all levels. Events like the Annual Conference are perfect for networking and meeting new colleagues from all over the world.
AATI Vice-President K-12
Teacher of Italian
Nutley High School