An introductory message from former President
Dr. Ryan Calabretta-Sajder.
Founded in 1923, and celebrating more than 100 years, the AATI's mission is to promote, advance, and preserve the study of the Italian language, literature, and culture in its multiple historical and contemporary manifestations. Our members not only have access to a vast global network of others with similar interests, but also to our quarterly journal, Italica, and a twice-annual newsletter, but also seminars, workshops, and conferences online, locally, and abroad.
Find the perfect membership level for you on our membership page.
AATI Annual Conference 2025
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MLA @ New Orleans 2025
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Why Study Abroad in Italy?
According to testimony, study abroad experience in Italy completely changes the way students approach life and learning.
10 Ideas for Increasing Italian Enrollments at all Levels!
If you are looking to build, maintain, or improve enrollment and retention in an existing program, here are a few suggestions to consider.
Statement on Ukraine
Car* tutt*, i nostri pensieri vanno alle persone coinvolte nella recente invasione dell’Ucraina. AATI - un’associazione educativa/formativa con forti principi di giustizia e equità - si unisce in forte opposizione agli attacchi ai cittadini ucraini e alla loro...